APMA 1650 is an integrated first course in mathematical statistics. The first half of the course covers probability, and the last half is statistics, integrated with its probabilistic foundation. Specific topics include probability spaces, discrete and continuous random variables, methods for parameter estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing.
Instructor: Ross Parker (ross_parker@brown.edu)
TA: James Zhang (james_zhang@brown.edu)
Office Hours:
Recitation Section: Wed 12-1 pm, Kassar House 105
Prerequisites: One year of university-level calculus. At Brown, this corresponds to MATH 0100, MATH 0170, or MATH 0180. A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam is also sufficient. Multivariable calculus (MATH 0190, MATH 0200, or MATH 0350 at Brown) will be helpful for one small part of the course, but is not required. I will teach any multivariable techniques we use in detail.
Class format: This course will combine lectures and small-group discussions. We will meet for two hours four times per week. There will be a five-minute break at the halfway point. There will also be an optional one-hour recitation session during which students will work on problems in groups. Problems in recitation section make great practice for the exams! There will be two midterm exams (July 13 and July 28) and one final exam (Thursday, August 11). I will hold review sessions prior to each exam.
Homework: There will be eight problem sets total, which is approximately two per week. Problem sets will be due on Mondays and Thursdays (with the exception of the week of July 4; due to the federal holiday, problem sets will be due on Tuesday and Thursday that week). On weeks when there is an exam, there will be no problem set due on Thursday. There are no problem sets due the first week of class. Problem sets will be posted at least one week in advance of the due date. Homeworks may be submitted in class on the due date, or they may be dropped in the APMA 1650 homework box in 182 George St. by 3:45 pm on the due date. (182 George St. closes at 4 pm during the summer, hence the 3:45 deadline for submission). You are encouraged to work together on assignments, but you must write up your own solutions.
Homework policy: Late assignments generally will not be accepted. That being said, I understand that the unexpected does happen. If you have a serious situation in which you will believe you will be unable to complete your assignment on time, please contact me directly and we will arrange something.
Textbooks: Lectures will be based on my own notes, which will be posted on this website after each class. Due to the prohibitive cost of textbooks (approximately $290 for the traditionally required textbook), I cannot with good conscience ask you to purchase a textbook for this class. That being said, a textbook is a valuable reference, both to clarify points made in class and as a source of practice problems. I will place multiple copies of the following textbook on reserve in the Rockefeller Library.
Grade Distribution: